11 Low Calorie Foods that help you Lose Weight simple

11 LOW CALORIE FOODS That Make Your Weight Loss Simpler Than Ever Before. One of the most difficult elements of weight management is calorie restriction. Many low-calorie snacks will make you hungry and unfulfilled between meals, making it even more appealing to overeat and engage.

Luckily, there are plenty of nutritious options that are both filling and low in calories. In today’s article, we share with you 11 low-calorie foods that make your weight loss simpler than ever before.


Oats can be a perfect contribution to a healthy weight loss diet. Not only are they low in calories, but they are also rich in calcium and fiber that leave you feeling full.

A 1/2 cup (40-gram) serving of dried oats has just 148 calories but contains 5.5 grams of protein and 3.8 grams of fiber both of which will have a big effect on your hunger and appetite.

One research in 48 adults found that consuming oatmeal improved the feeling of fullness and decreased appetite and calorie consumption at the next meal.

Another small research linked instant and old-fashioned oatmeal to a significant improvement in appetite management over four hours relative to ready-to-eat breakfast cereal.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a perfect source of protein that can help relieve cravings and encourage weight loss. Although the exact amount varies between products and flavors, a 2/3 cup (150-gram) serving of Greek yogurt normally contains around 130 calories and 11 grams of protein.

One research in 20 women looked at how high-protein yogurt snacks influenced appetite relative to unhealthy high-fat snacks. Not only did women who ate yogurt feel less hungry, but at dinner, they also consumed 100 fewer calories than those who chocolates or cookies.

Meanwhile, in another study in 15 people, high-protein Greek yogurt helped decrease hunger and improve the sensation of fullness relative to low-protein snacks.


While the soup is often overlooked as nothing more than a light and easy side dish, it can be very satisfying. In reality, some evidence shows that soups can be even more filling than solid food—even if they have the same ingredients.

For example, one study in 12 people showed that smooth soup delayed stomach emptying and was more effective in encouraging fullness than solid food. In another 60-person report, consuming soup before meals cut the average calorie consumption at lunch by an impressive 20%.

Bear in mind that creamy soups and chowders when they are filled may also be high in calories. Choose a lighter broth-or stock-based soup to minimize calories and optimize fullness.


Berries—including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries—are filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that may boost your wellbeing. Their high fiber content also increases weight loss and decreases appetite.

For eg, 1 cup (148 grams) of blueberries only supplies 84 calories but provides 3.6 grams of fiber. Berries are also a wonderful source of pectin, a form of dietary fiber that has been shown to delay stomach emptying and improve feelings of fullness in both human and animal tests.


Eggs are highly nutrient-dense, poor in calories, but high in many essential nutrients. A single large egg contains approximately 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, and a wide variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

Studies say that beginning the day with an egg serving will decrease hunger and improve fullness. Other studies have shown that a high-protein breakfast can reduce snacking, delay the emptying of your stomach, and reduce the level of ghrelin, the hormone important for hunger.


Popcorn contain high content of fiber, popcorn tops the list as one of the most filling low-calorie meals. Popcorn has up to 5% of the daily fiber requirements. Not only does fiber slow down digestion and facilitate fullness, but it can also regulate blood sugar to avoid hunger and cravings.

Furthermore, popcorn can help suppress hunger and improve the sense of fullness better than many other popular snack foods. One survey of 35 people showed that those who consumed 100 calories of popcorn were fuller and more relaxed than those who ate 150 calories of potato chips.

Bear in mind, that these advantages relate to air-popped popcorn. Many ready-made varieties are prepared with several unhealthy fats, chemical flavorings, and additional salt or sugar, which significantly increases the calorie content.

Chia Seeds

Sometimes praised as a serious superfood, chia seeds pack a high volume of protein and fiber into a low-calorie number. Chia seeds offer 137 calories, 4.4 grams of protein, and 10.6 grams of fiber in 28g of a serving.

Chia seeds are exceptionally rich in soluble fiber, a type of fiber that absorbs liquids and swells in your stomach to encourage a sensation of fullness. Some study suggests that chia seeds can absorb 10–12 times their weight in water and pass slowly across your digestive tract to support you feeling full.

Adding a serving of two chia seeds to your everyday diet will minimize cravings and reduce appetite. In one study in 24 adults, those who ate yogurt with added chia seeds showed reduced appetite, decreased urge for sugary snacks, and increased sense of fullness relative to the control group.


Fish is high in protein and fat that is healthy for the heart. E.g., a 3-ounce (85-gram) serving of cod contains more than 15 grams of protein and less than 70 calories. Some findings pointed out that increasing protein intake will decrease appetite and reduce the amount of ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger.

Also, fish proteins can be particularly helpful in lowering hunger and appetite levels. One research analyzing the benefits of meat, chicken, and fish protein found that fish protein had the biggest influence on the sense of fullness.

To help decrease calorie intake, look for lean fish such as cod, flounder, halibut, or sole over higher-calorie alternatives such as salmon, sardines, or mackerel.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a fantastic source of protein and a great snack for those trying to lose weight. One cup (226 grams) of low-fat cottage cheese provides about 28 grams of protein and just 163 calories.

Multiple studies suggest that your protein consumption from foods such as cottage cheese will reduce your appetite and hunger.

Some study also indicates that consuming protein will delay your stomach’s emptying to prolong your feeling of fullness. One research also showed that cottage cheese and eggs had similar effects on fullness in 30 active adults.


Potatoes are also considered unhealthful and dangerous owing to their connection with high-fat French fries and potato chips. The reality, however, is that potatoes can be a filling and nutritious part of a balanced diet.

One moderately baked potato provides 161 calories but offers 4 grams of protein and fiber. In reality, a study measuring the impact of certain foods on satiety—or fullness—classified boiled potatoes as the most filling, with a score of 323 on the satiety index—almost seven times higher than croissants.

Animal and human experiments say that potato filling effects can include potato protease inhibitors, which are compounds that may suppress appetite and reduce food intake.


Legumes contains high protein and fiber content, legumes such as beans, peas, and lentils can be extremely filling. Many experiments indicate that legumes have a strong effect on hunger and appetite. Cutting down on calories doesn’t mean you’re still feeling hungry or frustrated between meals.

Eating a wide range of filling meals with lots of protein and fiber will combat cravings and reduce appetite to make weight loss simpler than ever before. Paired with an active lifestyle and a well-rounded diet, these low-calorie foods will leave you feeling happy all day. Will you start eating these foods after reading this article on low calorie foods that help you lose weight? Please let me know in the comment section below.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a health problem.

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